Saturday, February 4, 2012

I was......

So yesterday I was going to have a cute little post with all my iphone photos from the week. A lot of bloggers do a Friday phonedump which I think is such a cute idea and then last night my phone met the bathtub thanks to this bub and his infatuation with the tub. Momma takes the blame as well because who lets their 14 months old get anywhere close to the bathroom with their phone.

Please notice the Baby Einstein DVD that has also found its way into the tub.

Thankfully with a bag full of rice and a 24 hour wait my phone is fully functioning again. The rice definitely was a life saver. It was eye opening to me how much I rely on my phone ALL day. I think I am going to start trying to leave it on the counter periodically and not attached to my hand. I will let you know how that goes.

That is a quilty face if you ask me

This was pretty much our day on Friday. Crewe had been working on 5 teeth, yes you heard that right, 5! The nights this past week have been neat : )! Crewe is not a spectacular sleeper to begin with, so throw in 5 teeth and naps have been non-exsistent.


Lubbock has a really awesome restaurant that we just had to try on Friday night, so we ventured out and it did not disappoint. It is a burger joint called Belly's and the atmosphere is really fun and it is REALLY loud so if you have a toddler who likes to bang Buzz Lightyear on the table over and over and over, THIS is your place to eat!

Crewe had his first kids meal which consisted of grilled cheese and french fries. To say he was a fan is an understatement. I have been trying to shield him for so long from any type of junk food and am realizing that one day he will probably have a Happy Meal and also get to make his own food choices, but for now I will control it as much as I can and the grilled cheese was on wheat bread.

Love that little chompin face in the last picture. All these sleepless nights are at least giving him some molars.

I wish I would have taken a picture of this whole wall, it was solid glass, stones, and broken plates. Absolutely beautiful and Crewe didn't know what to think about it.

I do intend to finish my post about how we make it all work on one income, but that is for another day.

I hope everyone had a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. Your new header looks awesome babe! Awesome job!
