Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Water Water Everywhere

I have been kind of bummed lately with the lack of rain here. 
Sometimes I wonder how many 104 days can we have... without a little sweet relief from the heat.
 It does make me that more anxious for fall. Just the fact that I saw pumpkin spice coffee in Target yesterday makes me all giddy inside.
Sidenote: remember when I posted, here, about getting up and reading my bible before Crewe wakes up?
Well momma has started sleeping in a bit later, so bible time is during nap time now. 
There has been no prediction of rain for what feels like months and no chances for the next 10 day.... so as I am sitting on the couch during Crewe's nap time I notice that it was steadily getting darker and then I heard it.
The faint sound of thunder.
Is it just me or is there something about an impending thunderstorm that just lightens the mood and causes a tinge of excitement?!?
 I love rain, I love that it is relaxing and gives you an excuse to stay indoors, pop in a movie, and enjoy the sound of the raindrops hitting the chimney.
Love it!
Of course after the downpour and to Crewe's utter excitment, we were left with the best rain puddles in our backyard.
We spent the remainder of the day meeting John's boss (they walked in as Crewe was running around like a madman in a t-shirt and diaper. Good first impression, eh???) playing in the water and eating wheat thins with Daddy.

Becoming one with the ground


1 comment:

  1. I live in Reno Nevada and it is a rare occasion indeed, to see rain. I want one big wonderful thunderstorm. I would be so happy. I saw your comment on Enjoying the Small things and it made me laugh, so I hopped over to your site. Your little one is A-dorable. Best wishes to you.
