Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Picking back up

I keep putting off picking back up on blogging because I don't really know where to start. The thought of recapping our lives since May seems overwhelming, so naturally the smart decision is to just not blog at all and then regret it when a year goes by I have no documentation of all the little things in our life.
My previous blogs posts were way too focused on writing for my readers, editing pictures so they look like they came from a professional camera... blah, blah, blah.
I am so happy to pick back up and keep up with this little space BUT it will be more phone pictures and snippets when I can find time to post. That is just our life right now.
So where to begin:
We decided in July it was a good time to start trying for baby number #2 and much like Crewe it happened very quickly. We got a positive test on July 23rd.

Spent a lot of time posted up on the couch due to morning sickness

We sold our house
Moved into and apartment while our house is being built

Moved out of our apartment 2 weeks later due to some major abuse happening in the apartment above us
Moved into a duplex a quarter mile away from our house and get to drive by whenever we want... read 5 times a day
Found out we are having a girl

23 weeks
Crewe celebrated the big 3. How is that possible?!?!

That briefly catches me up for the past 6 months.. which is exactly why I am going to start blogging again, because I have left out so much special stuff!


  1. I adore you... and love when you "pick back up" on the blogging;)

  2. Wow, congrats!!! Lot's of big things going on in your world! Good to hear from you again.

  3. Congratulations! From time to time in the past I've had blogging "mid life" crises... but ultimately I love to look back at where my family has been and that's what keeps me going. Knowing that i always love when I have pictures and memories to look back at. Sorry about the apartment stuff. :/ Glad you're going to be in your home soon!

  4. Glad you are back and congratulations!!

  5. Hey, I just found your blog. Congratulations! Your new house looks like it will be amazing! I'm excited to follow along and read more of your blog.


  6. okay. so now you need to recap the past 4ish months. i miss your blog!

  7. I've been SO bad about blogging this whole year, and I totally know how you feel. Sometimes I don't know how to just jump into it again, but I get that sadness about not writing too! I love documenting, I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things again.

    I hope your house is all built now! And hope your sweet baby girl has made her debut! You are just about the cutest prego mom ever, btw.

  8. Hi Alexis! My name is Heather and I have a quick question about your blog that I was hoping you could answer! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
